Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Princess Room

In the room we put up a question how would you like your ideal room to look lke....Mine changes all the time ...does yours? 

Here's the newest room of my Dreams LOL - I went from Designing a "Simple but Elegant Dressing Room" to now ...I want a room that has my bedroom and art/sewing/computer printing room all in one in a FUN WAY.   I love my husband in the same room with me he is my best friend, but since I don't watch t.v. except movies like Avatar are Finding Nemo LOL.....we usually are in two different rooms here is what I'm proposing to him tonight - wish me luck ok. :-) yaaay!

I want to knock out the wall between the bedroom and the craft/sewing room - and put a lounger chair for two LOL in case I want to join him there with the plasma t.v.

I have to run ...forgot I have models coming to shoot duh, I'll just post the front of the house to give you the idea to start....the two windows to the left is the sewing/craft/art room///it used to be our bedroom...then I moved our bedroom to the back of the house - I'll take a picture later.....the window to the right on the top is the guest come and visit with me we can play and make beautiful art together :-)  Princess's Unite!!

At 55 I think I'm going through my second childhood LOL.....ok later gators mmmmwwwah!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

August 27th Starts the Building of a Princess Happy World

We have picked the spot...we are now getting ready to start the building ....the Magazine has already gone to the publisher and layout editors.....what an exciting time....I made a diary yesterday so we can track and share with to make their happy World!  Princess's ...come and Play, Create and Relaxe in this safe, peaceful Happy is yours! Love, Pamela Joy